Welcome back to our blog Computer Repair today many people who have their laptops is that these teams provide us with the tasks because of its availability and size allowing us to move from one place to another with great ease, but all this leads to one or another way we grip the dirt pc laptop so we have to clean that is in perfect condition, now teach them how to clean a laptop keyboard you will see that it is not so expensive and we can do ourselves without any problem. steps to clean a keyboard laptop to clean the keyboard of the laptop , there are three common cleaning techniques are:
* You can buy a brush of those that are used to put lipstick and wipe the keyboard. Lets you clean between the keys. * Dump the laptop and shake up and down with care and in all directions. * You can also choose to buy a can of compressed air or pressure you apply this pressing the button and move around the keyboard to that can be removed so dirt and dust that accumulated in the bottom of the keyboard. * As a final step you could also choose to buy a can of foam to clean keyboards, you have to soak it in a flannel and then with that you can clean the keys your keyboard to look brighter. I hope they are helpful these little tips to clean the laptop you later.
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